Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Closet Purge III

Mama and I spent a few hours this weekend purging my closet as I have now outgrown the 3-6 months size. I am a big girl now, even almost too big for the 6 months size. Out went the old, small clothes that I will never wear again and in came the new, larger clothes that I will wear until April. Never in my life again, I think, will I change clothing with this rapidity. Don't think that Mama has bought me all these clothes. I received many over Christmas and I also was given a ton of hand me downs from Mama's cousin Kristen, who has 2 little girls and her older sister, Megan, has 3 little girls. Lots of cool clothes to wear. Today I am wearing a new outfit which makes my butt look very cute. Overalls only look good on baby girls.

Oh, and last night I gave Mama a huge scare because now I roll over in my crib. She walked in and I was on my stomach with my hoody over my head so you couldn't see my face. She thought I was dead. But I was just sleeping.

1 comment:

Eris said...

I have a feeling you'll be going through this many clothes for a long time... you've got lots of people who live only to spoil you.