Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My New Teeth

Well today I loved Musikgarten again. I got up, I sang, I stood up the whole time and watched everyone dance and sing. I especially liked the Bim Bam lullaby with the A and D xylophone chords. I was totally entranced.

Then I was crying. Mommy's friend Noelle said, she's teething. Mommy said no way, she's only 3 1/2 months. Noelle said, no Leah, there are two teeth in her mouth. Mommy looked more closely and saw two teeth!!! She rushed home, called the doctor who said while it was unusual to have teeth this early, it was not unheard of and that she should relax. Daddy said I was so physically advanced that I'd probably be an athlete but dumb as a door...

Hopefully I will continue to not be cranky. Oh, and, I sleep on my side now in my crib, so when I wake up I am looking at myself, which is the best thing to be looking at.


The Numismatist said...

Are you kidding? Isn't this taking the "my kid is more advanced than your kid" just a little too far? What is next?

At least this explains the constant fingers in her mouth. No baby food for this child. Start her right out on steak!

I missed her last night.

Unknown said...

Steak it is!!!

Eris said...

Obviously advanced. Littlest Ms. Eris didn't get a tooth until 15months old. But by the Duke's reasoning, That means my kid will be a freaking Einstein.