Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just to Check In

Today I sat listening to Mama play the piano and Mama is pretty sure that when she plays the Lily chord (or C chord since the C chord has an E, a C, and a G in it - my initials) I sing the correct note. All is good here. Gigi and Poppa are coming to visit on Friday and I can't wait to see them.

Nothing much else to report, except the singular lack of presents in February. Seriously, where are the devotee gifts???


Eris said...

Offerings will be coming on Thursday - Valentine's Day. Although, you would think the Duke and Duchess would celebrate would bare gifts on their holy day: President's Day!

Unknown said...

Yeah, you would think the 'rents could come up with a President's Day gift...that's a good idea...thank you Auntie Eris...