Tuesday, February 19, 2008


My name is Elizabeth - it's on my birth certificate (or at least I think it is, Mama and Daddy have not gotten my birth certificate yet) but everyone calls me Lily. For a while I wondered about whether I would rather be known as Elizabeth, but I have decided Lily is it. I have indicated this choice by only answering to Lily; by lighting up when my Musikgarten sings to me as Lily; and generally by being okay with being referred to as Lily.

You may not know, but the name Lily is a nickname from Elizabeth. The current queen is known to her dearest as Lily Beth. Also, there is a beautiful lily bed right in front of my window and as soon as spring comes, there will be many lilies out there for me; maybe even in honor of me.


Eris said...

I'm pretty sure all the lillies are in honor of you.

The Numismatist said...

Lily Beth.
I love your name.